Wednesday, February 29, 2012

5 Reasons Nutrition Webinars Work

  1. Cost efficient: Real time webinars deliver insightful nutrition coaching to employees. No airfares. No hotels. No downtime.
  2. Convenient:  Multiple participants can hear our webcasts from either a single corporate location, from their home, or an internet café anywhere in Canada and the US.
  3. Concise: Our 45 minute webinars deliver rich, intelligent content packed in a short period of time. It fits right into an employees work day.
  4. Flexible:  The content stays online for some time so employees can access it multiple times for reference and put into practice what they’ve learned.
  5. Effortless:   A computer, a standard browser, and a mouse is all your clients need to access our state of the art, savvy web content.  
Contact NDC Nutrition at Work for more information.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Our Newest Webinars

Our webinars feature highly trained and experienced presenters from our network of Registered Dietitians (RDs).  Healthy Eating on the Go inspires employees with nutrition choices, meal planning, and energy boosting tips. Eating Well to Optimal Performance helps employees enhance mindfulness plus sharpen focus and performance.  EAP clients learn about stress-reducing eating habits and how to fuel their body’s powerhouse – the brain – with super foods and nutrients.