Wednesday, February 29, 2012

5 Reasons Nutrition Webinars Work

  1. Cost efficient: Real time webinars deliver insightful nutrition coaching to employees. No airfares. No hotels. No downtime.
  2. Convenient:  Multiple participants can hear our webcasts from either a single corporate location, from their home, or an internet café anywhere in Canada and the US.
  3. Concise: Our 45 minute webinars deliver rich, intelligent content packed in a short period of time. It fits right into an employees work day.
  4. Flexible:  The content stays online for some time so employees can access it multiple times for reference and put into practice what they’ve learned.
  5. Effortless:   A computer, a standard browser, and a mouse is all your clients need to access our state of the art, savvy web content.  
Contact NDC Nutrition at Work for more information.

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